What Users Say About WindoTraderBLUE
A number of educators and service providers offers programs, newsletters, videos, and online trading rooms to help traders gain proficiency in using the Market Profile. The following listings are for educators and service providers who use and/or are familiar with WindoTrader’s functionality.
Because each educator / service provider is unique and offers different types of support, we recommend you exercise your own due diligence to determine who can best support you in advancing your trading.
WindoTraderBLUE makes the market incredibly visual for me. It’s functionality and how easy it is to use and set up makes it invaluable. I would be lost without it. It gives you many different options to have as much or little as you would like on your screen.
Paul Asmar, Camelbacktrading.org
I depend upon WindoTraderBLUE's versatility in displaying volume for my short-term trading. The display enables me to track total volume on the far left and volume for the current 30 minute on the near left. Unlike most platforms, BLUE easily allows me to view actual contracts versus volume represented by a histogram. Using actual volume figures allows me to more easily compare one day to another, as well as the current time of day versus an earlier period in the day; this allows me to better sense when change is occurring. Additionally, it allows me to better discern where and when larger buying and selling levels are developing. Traders can add the histogram, but this is my preference. Their volume features are unparalleled in the industry. The visual display of BLUE is, in my opinion, by far the best in the business. Clean, easy to read, with multiple display settings to adjust for the user.
Jim Dalton, Author and Educator, JimDaltonTrading.com
As a professional trader for 30 years I would not make a trade without WindoTraderBLUE. As traders, we are always looking for an edge and WindoTrader provides me that edge. WindoTraderBLUE charts are as dynamic as any platform in the industry but its volume analytics that put it in a league of their own. The combination of the two offer serious traders the ability to interpret the market true personality." "The reason WindoTraderBLUE is such a superior product is that Terry and his team listen to the needs of their clients and provide support at the highest level." "I’ve tried many platforms over the years and without a doubt from the installation to questions regarding functionality, they are there.
Tom Incorvia, Money Manager, BlueTreeLLC.com
Trading futures without Market Profile is like driving blindfolded. WindoTraderBLUE is the best market profile software on the planet. Mic drop and full stop.
Peter Reznicek, Educator, ShadowTrader.net
I continue to preach profiling as an approach to trading as it arranges and organizes the only two auction indicators that absolutely every market participant (from institutions to retail traders) use to make decisions: price & volume. To make better trading decisions, each trader needs to be able to see opportunities in relation to these two inputs and no platform allows a trader to see opportunity better than WindoTraderBLUE. It helps me see what others can't see, giving me an edge in each and every trade.
Josh Schuler, Educator, TradeWithProfile.com
As an educator, trader, software developer, and broker over the past 42 years, I seen most all of the software available for traders. When we decided to add Market Profile and volume charting to Photon, there was no doubt that WindoTrader was our application of choice due to its broad functionality plus great subscriber support.
Damon Pavlatos, FPTrading.net
"I discovered WindoTraderBLUE through Peter over at Shadow Trader. Since subscribing to the WindoTrader it has completely transformed my trading in a positive way. I started trading options in September of 2018. My account was hit and miss. Sometimes I would make money and sometimes I wouldn't. However, since WindoTraderBLUE I have been more consistent with my trades. I don't know if this is important, but I am up over 80% on my account since the beginning of the year and most of the returns came at the time I started with WindoTraderBLUE. I just upgraded to the pro version because I was so happy with the lite version and if I could get so much from the lite version I am so excited to learn what I can get out of the pro version and how it can improve my trading." "The support I get from the WindoTrader team is amazing! Terry and Maril are amazing. They get back to me in a timely manner. Trading is a business for me and WindoTrader is a tool that is at the core of my business. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about the trading business. Thank you WindoTrader."
Steven T (California) Trading since 2018.
"Market Profile chart provides insight and nuances that allow me to assess the probabilities of the 3 short-term scenarios, including intraday and swing trades. After learning from Jim Dalton about Market Profile 5 years ago and using WindoTraderBLUE for 4+ years, I can say that I have been a much more astute and rational trader. WindoTrader has provided the robustness and reliability that a daily trader demands of a trading software and service." "Its core charting functions have fulfilled my needs and goals perfectly. And I love the fact that I can load my daily profile setup instantly before the market opens. All my marks and comments are tracked to remind me of the past market profile nuances that most of the times play out their expected courses. In short, market profile and WindoTrader has been indispensable for my daily assessment of the futures and market."
Andy Wu (ES & Options Trader @andywu_sf).
"How to sum up WindoTraderBLUE? Priceless. It's a strong word, but having every analysis needed for day trading the ES on one screen is priceless. Before WindoTraderBLUE I was a professional trader using eight 24 inch monitors for my analysis and trading. After switching to Blue I went down to three 27 inch monitors and only trade most of the time. What I found was I had increased clarity and thinking due to the soundness of mind created from the uncluttering of my charts. To sum it up a messy desk equates to messy thinking and the same goes with charts. Terry taught me to drill down 20% of the whole and keep drilling down until you get to the true purpose. And by doing so I went from 8 monitors to 1, and never looked back." "The above is just regarding charts. The customer service you receive at WindoTraderBLUE is the best in the business. Are you charts down? Send an email and you will get a quick response to fix the issues. Need training? They have you covered. Want custom templates? They will help you create them." "The bottom line is if you are a Market Profile Theorist WindoTraderBLUE is the best in the business through performance, reliability, customer service and efficiency of information. You cannot go wrong. Thank you Terry, Maril and Eric for creating the software. You are much appreciated."
Tony B (Illinois).
"I’ll try to make this short, if I can. If you use Market Profile, or if you PLAN to use Market Profile as a trading tool, then you MUST consider using WindoTraderBLUE, or simply, “BLUE” as it is known by most users. This is a software created by folks that have a very deep appreciation and knowledge of the Market Profile graphic. Everything is here----cut the Profile into increments if you so wish, overlay the Profile into many months or years, create high and low volume nodes for ANY time period and create them for higher timeframes and then use them on lower timeframes, color co-ordinate areas of high and low volume on the Profile or use specific colors to designate extremes or specific reference areas, configure this software to “see inside the bar” in virtually any way that you want. In an instant, you can SEE where the market is facilitating trade or where the market is “distributing” (areas where the market is searching for sellers and/or buyers). It’s all here, you can set up Profiles within candlesticks, Profiles within OHLC bars, volume Profiles, TPO Profiles, you can break the Profile down to an increment of your preference and read volume stats to help determine direction OR non-direction. This tool will help if you want to view the market from a distance or if you choose to “go granular” and look at the market closely from multiple points of view. I have used Market Profile in my trading for MANY years, and I haven’t found software for the use of the Profile better than “BLUE”. And one more thing, if you need help/support, it is there. These are not folks that want you to subscribe and then, when you need help, you’re on your own. Support is THERE, that in and of itself is quite different than most trading software. There are also webinars that are about using the software as well as webinars with successful traders that use the software. This is an easy choice if you are looking for software that can possibly help you gain an edge in the markets. If you like Market Profile the way that I do, then BLUE is the ONLY game in town"
Gerry K (Texas) - Trader since 1995.
"As a cranky New Yorker, I don't often give compliments. However, I have to say that the people at WindoTrader have taken Market Profile charting to a whole new level with their new WindoTraderBLUE software. As an investor/trader for over 20 years, I've studied and used almost every method of technical analysis there is. I've also sampled most software available for trading the Market Profile. My preference for Market Profile lies in its visual approach to showing markets and market movement. And this is just what "BLUE" does brilliantly, using color, shape and inventive ideas to emphasize and reveal the most important aspects of the Market Profile that, as a trader, you need to be seeing. (With a mind-boggling number of chart permutations YOU can use it to look at the market YOUR way.) If you trade ANY markets using the Market Profile, "BLUE" will give you a clearer, crisper, vision and understanding of that market. It will show you and allow you to "see" more of the important data you need to be observing. Then the "BLUE" team of Terry, Marilyn, and Eric back it all up with webinars and one-on-one service not found anywhere else. Of course, there are kinks that still need to be worked out and like any new software there is a learning curve. But your patience and learning will be well rewarded, in my opinion. One of my beloved NY Yankees, Yogi Berra once said: "You can observe a lot by just watching." Thank you Terry and team for helping us "observe" a whole lot more of the Market Profile through your development of WindoTraderBLUE. Just call me a fan."
Steve B (New York) - Trading since 1993.
"More and more women are becoming interested in trading and trading technology. I am one of them and my experience with WindoTraderBLUE has been beyond positive -- what it offers is amazingly comprehensive, versatile AND visually exciting and fun to manipulate. I am a professional artist, so the opportunity to display market information with unlimited incorporation of color and design is stimulating and creative. Plain white and black bar charts will never be the same! Using all the available color options in setting up and customizing my screens enhances my interpretation of what is unfolding throughout the day in the market and becomes an almost intuitive way to record information. Just as we all instinctively intuit green to mean "up, good, go" and red to mean "down, bad, don't go" I am finding many other ways to internalize market information by color. Some are obvious such as background colors for various market screens, i.e., black for crude, green for bonds or dollar, red for Apple, etc. In setting up my key decision levels each day, I follow a color code I have now internalized -- setting my level colors white for the open, overnight hi and low's blue, POC's green, previous day open and close orange, etc. I save red for intermediate/long-term bracket levels or special alerts like 1300 and those numbers the market likes, etc. This helps me to assess at a glance the weight or importance of the next indicated level the market is aiming for or rejecting. On a more subtle level, in my daily set-up I include 30 minute candles as well as 15 minute candles. In order not to get bogged down in the 15 minute candles and lose the bigger picture of what the 30 minutes are doing, I leave the 30 minute candles set large and fat with the bright green and red of default setting. I then set my 15 minute candles much narrower in body and tails and mute their reds and greens to a duller value. This keeps the 30 minutes jumping out at me and orders my concentration. That is just a small example of the infinite possibilities for customization in this amazing software. The WindoTrader team, you are doing a terrific job of continuing to make a great product even better. I would no longer be interested in trading without it, as I would feel drastically ill-equipped."
Carolyn M (Washington) - Trading / Investing since 2002.
"I have used WindoTraderBLUE for several years and it has definitely helped my growth as a trader. I like that I can organize data the way I want to see it, to be able to look at volume in different ways. To put on different time frames and isolate different times of the day is important to me. While there are many "bells and whistles" in the program, the strength of WindoTraderBLUE is its ability to simplify my screen. I am able to organize price, time and volume data in a highly manageable fashion. I use a lot of information and WindoTrader makes it easier to read and comprehend. As Leonardo da Vinci said "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." WindoTrader also has a great community. Through many webinars I have learned from other traders and shared my own experiences with the software. The trader-to-trader interaction is a powerful resource that I don't think exists anywhere else."
Peter N (New Jersey) - Trading Floor 20 years / Full-time since 2006.
"When I was looking for something to help me with my trading, I looked at forums to see what everyone else was doing to identify potential opportunities. I looked at a lot of stuff on line and otherwise, and decided that volume based applications made sense to me. My search process over 6-8 months funneled down to what interested me most. I joined some of the popular "rooms" and followed some of the leading Market Profile educators. But at this point, although they were valuable in my education, I felt they had become a "crutch." Just the simplicity of having so much information on one screen with WindoTraderBLUE is a huge advantage for me. It has great functionality and is really fun to use. I like the way I can bring up properties, the way I can add levels and color them so easily, and the zooming and panning features. I feel independent in my trading process. Once I have my screen set up the way I want, I like to turn it on, put in my levels.....and trade. That is all I want as a trader is to be able to focus on the trading opportunity. BLUE is an amazing program, core of my trading."
Jay W (Canada) - Trading since 1998.
"Recently I had computer issues, and was unable to bring up WindoTraderBLUE. I have to tell you, I have really grown to rely on my set-ups. I forget how vulnerable I feel without BLUE -- I am quite addicted to it --in a good way!"
Craig H (Wisconsin) - Trading since 2002.
"Market Profile with BLUE is like watching the market in 3-D. It adds a whole other dimension to my analysis. WindoTraderBLUE gives me the tools to custom design the market profile charts in a manner that fits what I want to see, from the context down to detailed price and volume information. This has helped take my trading to a new level. The company's service, product training, and responsiveness to feedback is as much as I could ask for."
Marty F. Trader (Vancouver, B.C.) - Trading since 1993.
"I can't exactly remember where or when I first discovered Market Profile. However, like most aspiring traders, I was consistently looking for something to aid my trading and when I first saw a Market Profile schematic it made immediate sense to me. Some additional research led me to Jim Dalton which then led me to WindoTraderBLUE." "To say it’s been a revelation is an understatement. Between the WindoTraderBLUE software and Jim Dalton's education, I've been able to not only maximize my natural abilities as a trader but have also developed a completely holistic view of trading that I never knew possible. I've learned to keep things simple and remain comfortable while trading. As a result, I not only see opportunities before they arise but am able to maintain a relaxed posture and act on them free from uncertainty, anxiety or fear." "There are a lot of magic salesmen out there peddling the next great thing for traders. However, it’s nothing more than gimmicks wrapped up in a promise. With WindoTrader and Market Profile education, I'd like to be a positive agent of change within the trading education and advisory industry and offer my experiences, both successes and failures as a peer to other aspiring traders."
Neri Lugo, Chicago.