Welcome to WindoTraderBLUE’s Quick Start Series, designed to get you up and running as quick as possible. You’ll learn how to easily navigate the BLUE platform while reviewing important Market Profile and Volume Profile concepts that are applicable everyday in the market. At the end of this series, every subscriber will be able to personalize their charts according to their unique needs and confidently interpret key pieces of market generated information.

WindoTraderBLUE Quick Start Series:

Introductory / Overview Video to our WindoTraderBLUE Quick Start Series (LINK to video)

Part 1: Creating WindoTraderBLUE Long-Term and Intraday charts (LINKS to videos – 2 videos)

Part 2: Personalizing WindoTraderBLUE Long-Term and Intraday charts (LINK to video)

Part 3: Interpreting WindoTraderBLUE Long-Term and Intraday charts (LINK to video)

Meeting structure and format: Topics will be introduced in a video that subscribers can access ahead of time. Meetings will expand on the information presented in the video and look to spend as much time as possible going over individual charts and questions.

Meeting Days and Times: (As per Kimberly’s schedule)

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